Linkul e valabil 10 zile (pana pe 14 ianuarie). Succes!
As for the destiny... all I know is that even when destiny really wants to accomplish something, it can't do it alone. You still have to show up. You still have to build a bridge... to the one you love
Pentru fiecare doctor exista alt doctor egal si de sens opus - ceea ce explica de ce gasesti atat de usor experti care sa se contrazica total unii pe altii. Ce este un forum ? | Vreau o tara ca afara
Pentru fiecare doctor exista alt doctor egal si de sens opus - ceea ce explica de ce gasesti atat de usor experti care sa se contrazica total unii pe altii. Ce este un forum ? | Vreau o tara ca afara
Salut! Ma intereseaza daca stiti cumva punctajele cu care s-a luat chirurgia pediatrica in toate centrele din tara(in special timisoara). Multumesc anticipat!
As for the destiny... all I know is that even when destiny really wants to accomplish something, it can't do it alone. You still have to show up. You still have to build a bridge... to the one you love
As for the destiny... all I know is that even when destiny really wants to accomplish something, it can't do it alone. You still have to show up. You still have to build a bridge... to the one you love
Va rog frumos sa postati tabelul cu repartitiile din 2009, pentru ca toate cele de pana acum au expirat si sunt si eu interesata sa ma uit pe ele. Multumesc anticipat
As for the destiny... all I know is that even when destiny really wants to accomplish something, it can't do it alone. You still have to show up. You still have to build a bridge... to the one you love