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Postby eugen » Tue Oct 28, 2003 3:03 am

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Microsoft Corp. on Monday gave its most detailed look yet at the next version of Windows, code-named "Longhorn," which promises new methods of storing files, tighter links to the Internet, greater security, and fewer annoying reboots.

At a conference for Microsoft programmers, Microsoft founder and Chairman Bill Gates said Longhorn, when it arrives, would rank as Microsoft's largest software launch this decade and the biggest since its Windows 95 operating system.

Gates and other Microsoft executives did not say when Longhorn would be released, but promised outside programmers that the platform would represent a breakthrough in the way that computer users send, receive and work with information.

Applications built by outside developers for Windows have long been crucial to the success of Microsoft's flagship software, which runs on more than 95 percent of the world's personal computers.

Jim Allchin, the Microsoft executive charged with the development of Windows, drew a lengthy round of applause when he announced one his main goals for Longhorn, ridding a scourge that has perpetually plagued Windows users.

"I'm on a campaign to get rid of reboots, not only in our code but in any of the code," he said. (vaaai! :lol: )

Gates gave an upbeat and forward-looking address on the future of software, saying that much more needed to be done before it would allow users to realize the potential of inter-connected services.

"A lot of people nowadays are sort of pessimistic about what technology will bring," he told a packed audience at the Los Angeles Convention Center. "Certainly there is a lot of things Microsoft has to do."

For the next generation of software, Gates promised software advances like speech recognition and synthesis, integrated telephone services and better graphics.

"It's very clear we're at the beginning of this process," Gates told the developers. "We need your feedback. We need your involvement to get this right."

Microsoft said that Longhorn would tackle key problems facing computer users today -- an overload of information and hard-to-find files.

"We see oceans of information," said Adam Sohn, a product manager for Microsoft's platform strategy and partner group, ahead of the presentation.

"There are a bunch of things going on that we find very interesting, and they're not necessarily all brand new, but they're gaining a lot of prevalence," he said.

bla-bla-ul s-a terminat, sa vedem ceva concret.


During Gates' address, a Microsoft staffer gave a demonstration of Longhorn, highlighting among other features the "sidebar," an area on the right side of the screen capable of displaying messaging lists, stock quotes, news feeds, clocks, and pictures.

Sohn said Microsoft would not focus on the timing of the consumer release, although final versions of software usually follow the beta version by three months to a year.

The company also talked about the four key "buckets" it sees comprising Longhorn: fundamentals like security and scalability; new presentation technology that includes a rebuilding of Windows' graphics system; a new file storage system called WinFS that makes heavy use of XML, extensible markup language data; and new Web services and communications technology.

The company also unveiled "WinFX," which it described as a new application programming model for Windows that is the evolution of its .NET programming framework.

A demonstration of its next-generation storage technology, WinFS, featured a method to "stack" documents by author in a window, with the heights of the stacks corresponding to the number of documents, as well as file views that showed snapshots of documents, rather than just file names.

Allchin also showed "XAML," a declarative language for programming that would make it easier to create programs and features.

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Postby sl0bizz » Tue Oct 28, 2003 3:08 am

Noi setari in IE (care vor fi xclusiv in longhorn).
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Postby Tyby » Tue Oct 28, 2003 7:10 am

suna frumos ... probabil ca va fi ceva de calitate ... insa pe mine ma intriga cel mai mult acel WinFS ... sql-server-based, redundanta etc ... hmmm ... sunt foarte curios cum vor implementa treaba asta pe un hardware "modest" pentru data respectiva ...
formerly known as gaurika ...

May the best from your past be the worst in your future!

Tyby out!

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Postby eugen » Tue Oct 28, 2003 2:41 pm

longhorn si palladium -

Trusted Computing -

lucruri cu care va trebui sa ne obisnuim... dar situatia e albastra tare :(



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Postby sl0bizz » Tue Oct 28, 2003 2:56 pm

Daca te gindesti ca AMD a cumparat Cyrix si acum nu mai e de dat decit o shpaga mica, ca sa fie si ei miloshi cu trusted computing...au ceva sanse.
Dar daca AMD si taiwanezii vor ramine in socketurile lor A si nu vor integra dongle pe placa de baza, hi-hi: SiS-AMD-Red Hat-Sun (StarOffice/OpenOffice)-LAME-Apache-SAP/MySQL-iarasi Sun(Java)-Liberty (alternativa la .NET, tot a lui Sun), asta e ceva mai trustworthy computing, cel putin in ochii cumparatorilor.
Si daca forteaza lucrurile mult, mai dau o sansa si fraierilor de la Apple.
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Postby Tyby » Tue Oct 28, 2003 3:21 pm

SUN a cam luat-o pe aratura ... vad ca-s cam pusi pe licentieri si procese ... sa fie cumva o frana in fatza linuz-trustworthy computing?!

Apple sunt inca in spate ... pentru ca au o problema mare - sunt incapatzanatzi ca englezii shi reticentzi la schimbari ... dar mai shtii?
formerly known as gaurika ...

May the best from your past be the worst in your future!

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Postby sl0bizz » Tue Oct 28, 2003 3:36 pm

Addenda: AMD au mushcat si ei, deci luati-va cum un P4, pina nu e prea tirziu. Asta ar fi ultimul PC pe care sa facem furaciuni.
Parerile mele:
ce e facut de om se desface tot de om
boboru' care cumpara calculatoare face o hotzie cit de mica (v-am zis de senatorul care propunea diastrugerea PCurilor piratilor si a fost prins cu meniuri pe site facute de un shareware piratat); o sa scada vinzarea PCurilor, numai fraieri ca guvernele si Enroanele o sa mai cumpere.
pina acum au lasat mereu o portita (si office 11 are chei corporate), au nevoie de ea in perioada de beta-test intern si extern
pina acum au lasat posibilitatea "insulelor" deconectate (poti face windows update si error reporting la un server privat)
e si ei oameni, dom'le; daca au de gind sa-l scrie in .NET (cum exista tendinta asta chiar si la MS, munca putina, timp de pregatire al programatorilor redus, performante foarte-foarte reduse), o sa fie distrusi de faptul ca XMMS e mai rapid decit WMP - iar n-o sa vinda!
muzica si filmele oricum sint din ce in ce mai infecte cu trecerea timpului, asa ca vinzarile lor vor merge pe undeva pe unde nici n-au visat, in folosul cintarilr live (cind orice vacutza are voce comparabila cu a lui Britney, mai bine merg la concertul din circiuma locala)
muzica si filmele trebuie sa mearga si pe dispozitive portabile care nu sint conectate la internet (sau mai ales pe astea); lumea n-o sa dea doi bani pe filme care se vad numai pe monitor de calculator, nu si pe LCDul cind "Guernica".
Si inca una si ma duc: citeam la un angajat MS ca PC magazine credea ca windows 95 nu va functiona fara dongle...
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Postby sl0bizz » Wed Oct 29, 2003 8:07 am

Si nu in ultimul rind, daca vreti sa mininca si gura voastra o piine din PC:
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Postby tulip » Sat Nov 01, 2003 4:27 pm

arata cam asha:
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Postby eugen » Sun Nov 02, 2003 5:40 am

din pacate a trebuit sa stergem ultimele posturi. vorbiti voi pe private daca ceva.. :roll:

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Postby sl0bizz » Sun Nov 02, 2003 6:07 am

De la managerul partii despre Longhorn din MSDN aflu ca: nu tot codul va fi managed (adica vor merge si programe vechi si vor merge facute in continuare programe cu Visual C++ 6) si ca OpenGL va mai exista, dar implementarea lui ramine exclusiv in grija producatorilor de placi video (si de drivere). Deci va merge un CS si pe Longhorn (si deci merge si fara digital signed code, si deci merge si cracuit) - de fapt nu se schimba multe.
Zilele astea a fost conferinta programatorilor pe Microsoft, PDC, unde vizitatorii au primit DVDuri cu Longhorn alpha, Yukon (noul server SQL) alpha si Whidbey (noul Visual Studio), tot in teste.
Tot de pe acolo s-a putut afla si ce ne rezerva viitorul: XAML este un limbaj de mark-up, tip XML, care va permite descrierea interfetelor (si daca nu ma insel) si a evenimentelor unei aplicatii. In parte seamana cu SVG, doar ca poti sa mai faci si un buton, un scrollbar. Nu stiu ce era cu bara Mozilla pe forumul vechi, poate nu are legatura, dar XAML seamana bine cu XUL, limbajul pentru interfete cu utilizatorul al pluginurilor Mozilla. Ca si in XUL sau in ASPX, codul descriptiv trebuie dublat de unul care sa se execute efectiv, de regula in C#.
Nu prea sint lamurit (si cred ca nici ei nu stiu inca) daca .NET Framework va fi trecut in kernel. Planul ar fi ca, daca se reuseste mutarea asta si clasele din .NET se vor extinde cit sa acopere tot ce face Win32 acum, se va renunta la Win32 (si bineinteles, adio CS).
Oricum, pentru a asigura o semiportabilitate (amintind de cea a NT-ului care rula si pe PowerPC si Alpha), dat fiind ca se inmultesc portabilele si telefoanele cu icoane de Windows, programele vor fi compilate cam ca in Java, adica in bytecode, dar se spera 1. o buna apropiere a bytecode-ului de codul masina existent pe x86, 2. o optimizare a Just-In-Time compilerului, care va prelua bytecode-ul inaintea executiei.
Longhorn va iesi o struto-camila sau un sistem pur .NET, in functie de cit de bine cumparati XP: daca il mai cumparati, le dati bani si deci timp sa faca treaba. Daca nu...(si sint destul de sigur ca nu)...
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