caz - psihoza

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caz - psihoza

Postby originaltup » Tue Oct 28, 2008 11:38 pm

This is a 66-year-old female who comes
with palpitations for the last two days. Says that she feels her heart
racing and states that she feels her blood pressure went up as well over
the last couple of days. Denies any chest pain. She has feeling like its
fluttering. Denies any shortness of breath. She got Ativan and fluids in
the Emergency Room. Says that she got upset when a couple of guys came
around her apartment building with a gun and she says that she got scared
and the whole complex along with her got scared as well. Says she heard
them again at the hospital ##### in the Emergency
Room today. She did not see them but states she heard them saying that
they wanted to kill her and rape her. She says that the apartment complex
has reported this incident to the ####### Police Station as well.
Denies hearing any voices at present but she says that she is very anxious
right now. She never had any similar complaints of hearing people or
hearing voices ever. Denies any headache. Says that she feels very tired.
Says that she has not been sleeping well over the last couple of days. Has
had no appetite and has not eaten for the last three days. She says that
she has lost about 25 pounds in the last six months.
Recently she was changed from her blood pressure medication - she is not
sure what she is taking now - states about two weeks ago her primary care
physician changed her medication. States having a sore throat as well for
the last two days and has been taking over-the-counter lozenges for that.
Says that she feels slightly feverish but has not measured her
temperature. States she is coughing up some whitish expectoration on and
off for the last two days now.
She is not sure of her medications but states that she takes:
1. Dalmane for the last six months or so.
2. Tramadol.
3. Aspirin.
4. We will get her medication reconciliation from her primary care
physician's office in the AM.
PAST HISTORY: (Operations, Injuries, Illness; include dates and relative
details as known- Immunization and Dates)
1. Hypertension.
2. Denies any diabetes, cancer in the past or previous heart
3. Her medical record is not available at the moment but cardiac
catheterization done in September of 2003 shows normal arteries and
some possible cardiomyopathy.
SOCIAL HISTORY: (Lifestyle/Occupation, Marital status, Children, and Risk
Never smoked. Denies excessive alcohol use, statues she drinks
occasionally. Denies any illegal use.
Significant for coronary artery disease and hypertension in her mother.
Her mother passed away because of some heart problems at 84 years of age.
She is not sure what she had. Her father had hypertension. A sister has
PRESENT REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: (Unless otherwise noted, areas are
ALLERGIES/SENSITIVITIES: Denies any allergies to any medications.
SKIN AND LYMPHATIC: No recent skin rashes.
CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM (Include special senses): Denies any
headaches. Denies any recent change in mentation.
RESPIRATORY: Some cough with some whitish expectoration on and off.
CIRCULATORY: Denies any chest pain or shortness of breath.
DIGESTIVE: Moving bowel pretty okay, last bowel movement was
yesterday. Denies constipation. Low appetite and has not eaten for
the last three days as per history of present illness.
GENITOURINARY: Denies dysuria, polyuria.
METABOLIC AND ENDOCRINE: Denies any cold or heat intolerance.
HEMATOLOGIC: Denies easy bruising.
MUSCULOSKELETAL: Some back pain on and off. Denies any other pain.
PSYCHIATRIC: States she feels very anxious but denies being depressed.
She is alert and oriented X3, pleasant lady to speak with who is lying
anxiously in bed and wants us to close the door behind us whenever we exit
the room as she is scared and anxious.
BLOOD PRESSURE: 159/88 lying - AGE:
standing 155/99
Saturation 93%
on room air
SKIN: Normal. No rashes seen.
LYMPH NODES: No lymphadenopathy.
HEAD: Normocephalic and atraumatic.
EARS: Normal. No discharge. Normal hearing.
NOSE: No discharge. No nasal septal deviation.
NECK: Supple. No thyromegaly. No JVD. No carotid bruits.
CHEST: Bilateral equal expansion to respirations.
BREASTS: Deferred.
LUNGS: Normal vesicular breath sounds. No added sounds. No wheezes.
No rales.
HEART: S1, S2 heard. No murmurs. Tachycardia. Normal rhythm.
ABDOMEN: Soft. Nontender. No organomegaly appreciated. Bowel sounds
HERNIA: None seen.
BACK: Some tenderness in the back but no costovertebral angle
tenderness elicited.
EXTREMITIES: 1-2+ edema in bilateral lower extremities. Bilateral
pulses palpable equally. No cyanosis or clubbing.
NEUROLOGICAL: Cranial nerves II thru XII grossly intact. No
neurological deficits. Sensation to touch. Pain and temperature
grossly intact. Strength 4-5/5 in all extremities. No cerebellar
RECTAL: Deferred.
Pertinent laboratory data; sodium 140, potassium 3.6, chloride 103, bicarb
19, BUN 55, creatinine 1.7, glucose 109, WBC 5.3, hemoglobin 11.7,
hematocrit 35.3, platelets 222. CPK 277, CK MB 5.9. CK MB index 2.1.
Troponin T less than 0.03.

1. Palpitations for the last two days. Could be multifactorial may be
secondary to dehydration or withdrawal from benzodiazepines. Could
be secondary to anemia as well. Will give her Ativan for her
anxiety. Will get a urine drug screen. Will give patient IV fluids.
2. Hypertension. Monitor blood pressure for now and get medication
list from primary care physician's office. Will give her Lopressor
12.5 milligrams.
3. Paranoia. Was her main complaint. Will need further
evaluation. She has history of weight loss. May need a MRI for
possible frontal lobe tumor. Will get psychiatric evaluation.
4. Renal insufficiency. Chronic versus prerenal. Will get inputs
and outputs. Will get urine electrolytes, urine sediments, urine
eosinophils. Will get old records. Will give fluids.
5. Elevated cardiac enzymes. Has tachycardia probably contributing
to the elevation. Will cycle enzymes. Will watch for any signs of
acute coronary syndrome.
6. Anemia. Microcytic. Will Hemoccult the stools. Will get
iron panel and ferritin.
7. DVT prophylaxis with SCD given.

Addendum: Overnight patient slept under the bed, and in the morning when I went to see her she was eating her breakfast under the bed because she was afraid the 2 men are going to come after her. She also wanted to leave the hospital, and threatened me and one resident that she knows karate and can take us down easily :D

Care e diagnosticul vostru diferential si ce altceva ati vre sa faceti pentru acest pacient (a fost facut dar am pus **** in loc).

PS. are partial legatura cu discutia de aici: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=7153&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=280 , cu pacientul psihotic
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Re: caz - psihoza

Postby concre » Wed Oct 29, 2008 8:44 pm

aspirin intoxication - aspirin level? are increased anion gap. Alcoholism?

i-as da niste o2 - sat 93%

iar ca alte idei de "delir" de exclus: PE (93% sat - give o2), pneumonia/infection, hypothyroidism (increased CK), GI bleed (chronic NSAIDs use, PUD, colon cancer? - increased BUN) ... chronic subdural hematoma? - asta pana la frontal lobe tumor :)

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Re: caz - psihoza

Postby originaltup » Wed Oct 29, 2008 10:48 pm

aspirin intoxication - aspirin level? are increased anion gap

interesanta ideea, dar nu e nici un istoric de luat aspirina, iar cu aspirina initial ai ceva alcaloza respiratorie. Cand ajungi sa ai AG metabolic acidosis mai si alte manifestari de obicei. Pacienta parea destul de rationala in general cu exceptia fixatiei cu talharii care o urmareau.
AG e cel mai probabil de la insuficienta renala acuta. Dupa 2 zile si ceva de fluide creatinina a revenit la normal si AG s-a rezolvat.

Saturatia a fost cel mai probabil din cauza ca nu prea a cooperat cu masuratoarea, pentru ca a doua zi era mai bine fara mari interventii. Plus ca nu avea tuse, nu avest chest pain si nimic altceva care sa te faca sa crezi ca are ceva pulmonar.

Alte date:
hemoccult negativ, MCV "a revenit" in limite normale, iar feritina=367 (crescuta)
Nu avea nici un deficit neurologic asa ca am preferat sa o caut de altceva inainte sa ma duc dupa cauze mai rare, gen frontal lobe tumor.

Alte idei referitoare la conditia pacientului? Hint: e "organic".
Alte analize/teste pe care ati vrea sa le faceti?
Last edited by originaltup on Wed Oct 29, 2008 10:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: caz - psihoza

Postby pc7 » Wed Oct 29, 2008 10:50 pm

tsh, ft4
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Re: caz - psihoza

Postby originaltup » Wed Oct 29, 2008 10:58 pm

iti dau o urinalysis:

ketones - 50
hemoglobin - 25
leukocyte esterase - 500
bacteria - 3+
WBC - too numerous to count
pacienta neaga symptome urinare

TSH - 0.01

free T4 ordered. (de obicei ordon doar TSH pentru screening, pentru ca majoritatea il au normal si nu mai trebuie sa dea banii s pentru free T4)

Vreti si alte analize/ teste meanwhile? Ati da antibiotice pentru UA-ul de mai sus?
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Re: caz - psihoza

Postby concre » Thu Oct 30, 2008 2:41 am

m-am gandit ca poate e o infectie pulmonara pt ca zicea ca tuseste din cand in cand - si zicea ca ia totusi aspirina

ketones ar trebui sa fie de la fasting - ar trebui sa manance ceva dupa 3 zile

ar parea o infectie urinara, dar CPK e crescut si are hemoglobinurie - poate e rhabdomyolysis?... as cere urine/blood culture, periph smear, ldh, haptoglobin - poate e o hemoliza, ttp-hus (si atunci nu ar fi de antibiotice, dar nu pare atat de sever, e rar)

Daca in urina e mioglobina - as cauta o miozita (statine? eventual ia corticoizi? o vasculita? mai ales ca e si feritina crescuta - pare inflamator)- esr.. emg...

si daca nu e nimic din astea.... m-as uita la rinichi sa nu aiba o litiaza/abces/tumora... ct?

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Re: caz - psihoza

Postby originaltup » Thu Oct 30, 2008 5:04 am

Hb e probabil de la infectia urinara; daca nu ar fi fost asa agitata si cu asa multe WBC probabil ca nu i-as fi dat antibiotice.
Ea a rezolvat problema oricum pentru ca a refuzat sa ia orice medicament! Cred ca a luat o doza sau doua de amoxicilina.
Ba inca tinea mortis sa plece pentru ca are treburi de facut, asa ca a trebuit sa o tin in spital impotriva vointei. Problema e ca era suficient de rationala ca nu puteam sa o fortez sa ia medicamente. Si pentru statul in spital, negociam zilnic.

Alte rezultate:
free T4 - 4.1 (0.9-1.9)
free T3 - 5.7 (1.5-4.1)

bilirubina - normala
SGOT - 39 (0-31)
SGPT - 22 90-45)

Ce diagnostic suspectati?
Ce alte investigatii ati mai vrea si ce vreti sa faceti ca sa o tratati?
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Re: caz - psihoza

Postby danhia » Thu Oct 30, 2008 10:54 am

pai si mie mi se pare organica.
inf urinara e cea mai frecventa, chest infection mai apoi si mergea cu low sats. pe piele vad ca nu are nimic. gastrointestinal nu are simpt ENT nu are nimic vreun abces pe undeva?
nu pare sa aiba hiponatremie.
spui ca e perfect orientata temporospatial ,fara niciun indiciu de confuzie?
faceti rofilaxis de dvt la toti pac internati?
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Re: caz - psihoza

Postby pc7 » Thu Oct 30, 2008 11:44 am

poi nu trimitem la endocrine pt tiroida aia?
eu as da atb pt inf urinara
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Re: caz - psihoza

Postby ssss » Thu Oct 30, 2008 5:59 pm

Eu sunt mai taran, vreau CT-ul/ MRI-ul.
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Re: caz - psihoza

Postby originaltup » Thu Oct 30, 2008 10:09 pm

Cand am vazut-o, am considerat ca principala cauza este tirotoxicoza, agravata partial de UTI si de possible benzodiazepine withdrawal.
Aveti mai jos criteriile pentru thyroid storm:

Diagnostic criteria for thyroid storm*

Thermoregulatory dysfunction
99-99.9 5
100-100.9 10
101-101.9 15
102-102.9 20
103-103.9 25
104.0 30

Central nervous system effects
Mild 10
Moderate 20
Extreme lethargy
Severe 30

Gastrointestinal-hepatic dysfunction
Moderate 10
Abdominal pain
Severe 20
Unexplained jaundice

Cardiovascular dysfunction
99-109 5
110-119 10
120-129 15
130-139 20
140 25

Congestive heart failure
Mild 5
Pedal edema
Moderate 10
Bibasilar rales
Severe 15
Pulmonary edema

Atrial fibrillation 10

Precipitant history
Negative 0
Positive 10

* A score of 45 or more is highly suggestive of thyroid storm; a score of 25 to 44 supports the diagnosis; and a score below 25 makes thyroid storm unlikely.

Daca calculati: temp-5 + psychosis-20 + tachycardia-15 + pedal edema-5 = 45 (am "downgradat" un pic scorul pentru tachycardie din cauza ca avea si UTI). Mi-a scapat initial ca ea avea ceva ce ar fi putut fi considerat precipitant history.

Acum cum ati trata pacienta si ce analize ati vrea sa faceti, mai exact ca sa aflati cauza tirotoxicozei?
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Re: caz - psihoza

Postby originaltup » Thu Oct 30, 2008 10:10 pm

PS. rezidentii nu au vazut, dar avea un pic de exoftalmie.
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Re: caz - psihoza

Postby originaltup » Fri Oct 31, 2008 2:13 am

poi nu trimitem la endocrine pt tiroida aia?

Pe aici incercam sa facem destul de multe fara specialitate. Plus ca la ora actuala endocrinologul pe care il aveam nu mai vine in spital, face doar outpatient. Am vorbit cu el la telefon in cateva zile though, ca sa il intreb daca suna bine ce facem noi cu pacienta.
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Re: caz - psihoza

Postby originaltup » Fri Nov 21, 2008 2:47 am

M-am luat cu niste treburi si am uitat sa mai scriu ce s-a intamplat cu pacienta.

Pacienta a fost pusa pe PTU (parca 100mg q 8h), Atenolol si alte cateva mici chestii.
Radioactive iodine scan a aratat decreased uptake.
Initial am avut probleme mari pentru ca nu vroia sa-si ia medicamentele, dar am convins-o mai ales pentru PTU si in aproape o saptamana si-a mai revenit, a devenit mult mai rationala. A promis ca-si ia medicamentele si am trimis-o acasa.

Diagnosticul nostru a fost de subacute thryroiditis (am zis pe la inceput ca s-a plans de ceva durere in gat de asemenea).

In vreo 2 luni a venit inapoi cu simptome similare, dar mai putin grave. Probabil are ceva psych issues de asemenea. Nu stiu ce s-a intamplat cu ea in timpul celei de-a doua spitalizari.
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