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Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 11:04 pm
by anuck_84
ma nene in leg cu abcesele pilonidale.....norocosii cei cu internarea de 2 -3 zle si recuperare de 2 sapt. eu ma chinui de 1 luna o sapt in spital si 3 de pansat zilnic si chiuretat si mai am 1 luna cel putin pina la vindecarea totala. :help:


Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 11:21 pm
by Melania
Elementary, my dear Watson: get a wife and/or stop watching porn: ... n1/pns.xml

Din cuprins:

PNS affect young sexually active or hyperactive people overwhelmingly single males, married people are affected whom either separated or usually having difficulty in their sexual life resulting in an increase in their circulating sex hormones which is the cause of the damage, the longer these hormones stays circulating in high concentration in the body the wider the damage they cause.
In our study we achieved nearly 86% of excellent/ good result with conservative treatment simply by educating patients about the cause of their disease and advising them how to avoid it. And now more than two years and all the patients in our group are doing well, no one came to need any further treatment. This proves that this theory of hormonal cause has a base.

This study shows that women are less likely affected than men, as their threshold of sexual stimulation is higher than men, some of the men have a very low threshold, Which is simply can be triggered by looking at the passing women on the road.

PS: studiul e facut de arabi. :-) deci s-ar putea sa existe un anumit conflict de interese.


Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 7:24 pm
by moshu69
eu ma chinui de 6 ani :((