Respiratii alternative - plamanii optionali

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Respiratii alternative - plamanii optionali

Postby dustweaver » Tue Nov 09, 2021 8:41 pm

"In a study published today (May 14) in Med, researchers present an alternative oxygenation route: through the anus. They introduced oxygen in either gas or liquid form to the intestines of both mice and pigs that had experienced asphyxia or low-oxygen conditions and showed that the animals survived much longer than did those without the treatment." ... athe-68769

(Mai tineti minte bancul cu extractia de molar?)

Inca unul (stiati ca hidrogenul sulfurat induce suspended animation? eu nu...)

"Ichinose and his colleagues attempted to extend the period of H2S-induced suspended animation in mice by continuously topping up the supply of the gas in the brain. But what happened surprised the researchers. “We thought that repeating hydrogen sulfide inhalation might prolong suspended animation in mice, so we tested that,” Ichinose says. “And we quickly found out that was not the case. The mice quickly developed tolerance.” Indeed, the mice were able to maintain normal metabolic activity, and the gas no longer induced suspended animation to the extent seen during earlier exposures.

[...] After some trial and error, they discovered that levels of an enzyme called sulfide:quinone oxidoreductase (SQOR), which is normally only found in very low concentrations in brain cells, were increasing in the mouse brains. The buildup occurred as the animals developed a tolerance to H2S, and rose to well beyond typical levels."

"Still, it’s not feasible to inject SQOR into the human brain under conditions of oxygen deprivation, Ichinose notes in an email. A clinical extension of the research, therefore, is to find a drug that could possibly mimic the effects of this enzyme."

(Daca nu nota clar ca nu e fezabil, cine stie, poate cititorii se gandeau ca o fi.) ... oxia-69211

In ansamblu, daca aplicarea metodei 1 cauzeaza suflat de... nas cu productie de H2S ca rezultat, se poate aplica preventiv metoda 2 cu SQOR-ul.
Bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica.

Daca am nevoie de observatii, comentarii, sugestii despre aspecte ce privesc felul in care folosesc limba romana si/sau engleza, stiu sa le gasesc ori solicit.
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Re: Respiratii alternative - plamanii optionali

Postby Calico » Tue Nov 09, 2021 8:51 pm

Daca se poate testa Covid din anus, de ce nu s-ar administra si oxigen in felul asta?

Sunt curioasa cum ar arata in cazul asta mastile de high flow. Ca niste dildouri anale?
Ca sa nu mai vorbesc de mastile de presiune pozitiva, alea chiar cred ca ar provoca senzatii interesante.

Trusele de intubatie banuiesc ca nu s-ar schimba prea mult, desi rolul "laringoscopului" ar fi mai degraba sa ridice cwaiele, decat epiglota.

(Mai tineti minte bancul cu extractia de molar?)

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Re: Respiratii alternative - plamanii optionali

Postby dustweaver » Wed Nov 10, 2021 2:07 am

MumaPadurii wrote:
(Mai tineti minte bancul cu extractia de molar?)

Concureaza americanii, rusii si romanii la un congres mondial de chirurgie.
Intra americanii in sala, opereaza ei acolo o ora, doua... ies ametiti dupa 12 ore:
- Am facut un sextuplu bypass coronarian prin laparoscopie... ehe, greu, dar operatia a fost un succes total.
Presa e extaziata si ii asalteaza pentru interviuri.
Intra rusii in sala, opereaza o ora, doua... ies triumfatori dupa 18 ore:
- Am transplantat toate viscerele intre doi pacienti... a fost foarte complicat dar ambele operatii au fost de mare succes.
Presa e in delir.
Intra romanii... trec o ora, doua... dupa 24 de ore ies ei cu gurile pana la urechi (adica iesind din masti, cum ar veni un fel de sidebewb):
- Am facut o extractie de molar...
Presa incepe sa huiduie: pai bine, dom'le, pentru asta ne-ati tinut aici sa ne roadem unghiile, n-aveti pic de respect pentru meserie si pentru jurnalism etc.? Chirurgul-sef continua
[+] imperturbabil
- ... prin anus
Last edited by dustweaver on Wed Nov 10, 2021 2:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
Bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica.

Daca am nevoie de observatii, comentarii, sugestii despre aspecte ce privesc felul in care folosesc limba romana si/sau engleza, stiu sa le gasesc ori solicit.
Otherwise, may I suggest you MYFB.

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Re: Respiratii alternative - plamanii optionali

Postby Calico » Wed Nov 10, 2021 2:09 am


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