noi medicamente antivirale pentru tratamentul virozei respir

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Darth Bane
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noi medicamente antivirale pentru tratamentul virozei respir

Postby Darth Bane » Fri Sep 03, 2004 10:37 pm

Au aparut noi medicamente antivirale pentru tratamentul virozei respiratorii.

Iata un fragment dintr-un articol de pe net:

We used to say that there weren’t any prescription drugs to treat flu, because all we had at our disposal were antibacterial antibiotics. Now there are 4 different anti-viral drugs available. These first two are in a brand new class of drugs called neuraminidase inhibitors.

Relenza (Zanamir)

This is a novel new drug only approved in the summer of 1999. It is an inhaled nasal spray that acts in the lungs, at the site of primary infection. In addition to treating the influenza type A and B, it successfully prevented flu in four out of five healthy family members who lived with someone already infected with flu.

Tamiflu (oseltamivir phosphate)

Just approved by the FDA 2 weeks ago, this is the first neuraminidase inhibitor in pill form which is effective against both influenza types A and B. It was able to reduce the duration and severity of flu symptoms by an average of one day in unvaccinated adults who first agreed to be actively infected with influenza in order to study the drug. Tamiflu must be given within 40 hours of the first flu symptoms in order to benefit from the medication. The recommended dosing is twice per day for five days. Side effects included nausea, vomiting, bronchitis, dizziness, and trouble sleeping. It is not approved to prevent flu, although a recent study suggested that it might reduce the chance of getting the flu in the first place if unvaccinated people took it daily for the first six weeks of the flu season. This medicine is not yet approved in children, but the preliminary studies are encouraging; not only did it significantly improve their recovery from flu symptoms, but it also reduced the incidence of otitis media (middle ear infection) by 40%.

Symmetrel (Amantadine) and Flumadine (Rimantadine)

These anti-viral medicines are only useful against Type A influenza. Amantadine is approved for use as a prophylactic and therapeutic agents; its efficacy is about 75% to 90%, similar to that of the influenza vaccine. In clinical studies, Flumadine is as effective as Symmetrel in preventing clinical influenza, yet it has a lower incidence of side effects. These drugs are currently recommended as a short-term (5 to 7 wk) preventive therapy during a presumed outbreak of influenza A for people who did not receive the vaccine or for vaccinated persons (especially in a nursing home) who are becoming ill at a high rate; they may be used for only 2 weeks if the vaccine is given simultaneously. Household contacts of a patient infected with the virus may also be given preventive therapy, as may staff and patients in hospitals or institutions, in order to prevent an outbreak.

Therapeutically, these medicines can shorten the course of an influenza A infection by 1 or 2 days if given within 48 hours of the onset of illness. The course of therapy is 3-5 days.

Side effects are generally minor and reversible, including: nervousness, insomnia, dizziness, and difficulty concentrating. These side effects are more common in the elderly. Side effects generally occur less often with Flumadine than with Symmetrel.

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Postby originaltup » Sat Sep 04, 2004 9:58 am

Da, au aparut, dar sunt aparute de mai multi ani. Ultimele doua chiar de f multi ani.
Nu stiu exact dar daca nu ma insel medicamentle respective sunt cam scumpute, si au eficacitate maxima luate preventiv. Nu stiu cati de la noi se vor duce sa dea o gramada pe bani pt ca s-ar putea sa fi fost expusi la gripa si ar putea sa o faca.

Iar daca au facut uite cam cat costa:
Cost per influenza-day averted with oseltamivir on formulary is 49 US dollars

the cost per
symptom-free day was $16 for zanamivir-treated patients compared with
$39 for oseltamivir-treated patients.

Cifrele variaza un pt ca au populatii diferite in studiu, dar poti sa-ti faci o idee.
Iar luate dupa debutul bolii reduc cu maxim 2-3 zile durata acesteia.

Un tub de oseltamivir e vreo 50$ si nu cred ca e suportat de asigurarile de la noi.
"There is a big difference between knowing the path, and walking the path"

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Postby cerbu » Sat Sep 04, 2004 7:17 pm

relenza si tamiflu merg pe A si B, in timp ce amantadine/rimantadine merg numai pe A. conteza foarte mult sa stii ce virus circula si sa nu dai pentru banalele raceli. aici se face nasopharingeal swab si ai rezultatul destul de repede, in plus, datele epidemiologice sunt available si destul de la curent. cred ca in ro e ok sa folosesti amantadina, probabil ca promele doua sunt prohibitive. ( chiar si aici, o mare parte din asigurari acopera o singura data pe sezon, ceea ce e stupid avand in vedere ca se ia la primele simptome si poate ca nu obtii confirmarea

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