Transfer to Carol D. Uni

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Transfer to Carol D. Uni

Postby venk » Sat May 06, 2006 1:23 pm

Hey everyone,

My name is Venk and I stumbled across this forum after visiting Carol D Uni's webpage. I'm a first year med student (gen. med) in Oradea. Alright.. hold that thought.. I know Oradea ain't all that great, but I didn't know the existance of Carol Davila before I got to Romania!

Anyway.. I really want to transfer to Carol Davila Uni. Its this desire of mine to do so :) Its so cool! :D So yeah.. I wrote to the admin and rector of the Uni and its been months and no replies still :(

Could someone in here who speaks English (pardon.. nu vorbesc romaneste.. okay.. I do- just a lil.. putin :D) help me out by telling me the procedures to do so and if its possible? I can't stay in Oradea anymore- life is far too slow here, and I'm growing fatter and fatter, LOL! :D

Here's my e-mail addy: :)

Thanks so much ya' all! :) God bless you! Dumnezeu te iubeste! :D

<3 Venk.
Dumnul este lumnia si mantuirea mea. -Psalmul 27:1

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Re: Transfer to Carol D. Uni

Postby adi » Mon May 08, 2006 7:36 am

venk wrote:Hey everyone,

My name is Venk and I stumbled across this forum after visiting Carol D Uni's webpage. I'm a first year med student (gen. med) in Oradea. Alright.. hold that thought.. I know Oradea ain't all that great, but I didn't know the existance of Carol Davila before I got to Romania!

Anyway.. I really want to transfer to Carol Davila Uni. Its this desire of mine to do so :) Its so cool! :D So yeah.. I wrote to the admin and rector of the Uni and its been months and no replies still :(

Could someone in here who speaks English (pardon.. nu vorbesc romaneste.. okay.. I do- just a lil.. putin :D) help me out by telling me the procedures to do so and if its possible? I can't stay in Oradea anymore- life is far too slow here, and I'm growing fatter and fatter, LOL! :D

Here's my e-mail addy: :)

Thanks so much ya' all! :) God bless you! Dumnezeu te iubeste! :D

<3 Venk.

Dumnezeu iubeste si la tine! :)

dintru care parte a lumii te tragi, fiule?
Translation of the sentence above: Hwider eart eow fram, bearn?
"Grass grows, birds fly, waves pound the sand. I just beat people up." Muhammad Ali

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Re: Transfer to Carol D. Uni

Postby venk » Mon May 08, 2006 11:47 am

adi wrote:
Dumnezeu iubeste si la tine! :)

dintru care parte a lumii te tragi, fiule?
Translation of the sentence above: Hwider eart eow fram, bearn?

Multumesc! :) Eu sunt Indian dar am trait in Singapore toata viata mea si parintii mei s-au mutat in Qatar. :)

I only knew the "Eu sunt Indian dar.." part and my friend helped me with the rest :D

Is that translation thing German? I only speak English, Hindi (bits), Tamil (bits), some Chinese and some Malay. :P

Are you a medic, or student in Carol Davila? I don't know why those people arn't replying to my emails regarding transfer :( Are they usually like that?

Dumnezeu te binecuvanteaza!

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Postby damonik » Mon May 08, 2006 1:13 pm

Cu siguranta ca asa sunt de obicei. Macar din punctul asta de vedere nu fac discriminari. Te sfatuiesc sa faci un drum la Bucuresti personal, neaparat impreuna cu un prieten care vorbeste bine romana si sa discuti fata in fata. Nu de alta, dar incepand cu secretare si ajungand pana la nivelele de decizie, oamenilor astora le este foarte greu sa gandeasca daca nu au un formular clar la dispozitie pe care sa-l poata aplica. Exista mari sanse sa nu inteleaga ce vrei de fapt si dupa ce se lamuresc intr-un final sa-ti dea cu flit spunand ca nu a mai existat un precedent, asa ca nu o sa fii tu primul caz rezolvat. :twisted: Incheind intr-o nota mai optimista insa, nu cred ca esti primul strain care ar vrea sa se transfere de la o facultate privata la una de stat asa ca sansele sunt mari atata timp cat esti dispus sa platesti pretul lor.

Ooops, i just realized you don't speak at all romanian. Well, it's about time you start learning if you want to come to Bucharest and have less problems. So, the idea is to come in person to Bucharest with someone who actually speaks romanian and to plead your case. English is still little known by the secretaries of UMF Carol Davila and they are in now disposition to waste their precious time understanding what you want unless you probably "stimulate" them. Yeah, i mean money. Good luck
Ai avut sansa unica de a capata forma omeneasca. NU-TI PIERDE TIMPUL!

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